IDP 4 attribute release issue

Beytrison Olivier olivier.beytrison at
Fri Nov 20 15:32:28 UTC 2020

Hi Scott, thanks for the pointers.

> It's exactly what I just posted. An upgraded IdP has an internally
controlled set of resources to load into the registry service that includes
the resolver configuration file. That ensures any legacy AttributeEncoders
are handled so the output is the same as it was.

Actually it's a fresh install but based on the documentation from Switch AAI
for the IDP 3.4 [1]. But they already did some work to make it compatible
with v4 (like the new attribute filter definition).

> If you don't upgrade properly, or if you do some sort of post-upgrade
change to the configuration that stops loading that file into the registry
service or removes the AttributeEncoder(s), it's not going to work unless
you manually add a transcoding rule for "email", which is not the standard
alias used for the attribute ("mail" is).

If we speak of the mail attribute, that's what I have in the
attribute-resolver (as provided by switchAAI  [2]). (I don't have any other
AttributeDefinition for mail or email loaded by services.xml): 
    <AttributeDefinition id="email" xsi:type="Simple">
        <InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="mail" />
    [snip display name and description]
        <AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML1String"
name="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:mail" encodeType="false" />
        <AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML2String"
name="urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3" friendlyName="mail"
encodeType="false" />

As I understand the encoder is present and the attribute should be in the
Being new with IDP (took over it 2 weeks ago) I don't see all interaction

If needed I can make part or most of the configuration available for review.

Thanks for your support,
Olivier B.

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