constructing a service list (with URLs)

Don Faulkner donf at
Fri Nov 1 17:44:41 EDT 2013

On 11/1/13, 3:14 PM, "Cantor, Scott" <cantor.2 at> wrote:

>On 11/1/13, 4:09 PM, "Don Faulkner" <donf at> wrote:
>>We’re trying to dynamically generate a web page that acts as a directory
>>of services that our campus IdP supports. Has anyone built something
>Not exactly, but I use scripts to generate my local metadata and I
>recently added a second stream that generates a CSV file for our help desk
>that enumerates vhosts and support contacts.

What do you use as source information for your scripts? (off topic for
this thread, but I’m curious)

>So not the same, but conceptually what I output with the scripts is
>largely arbitrary.
>>We want to focus on campus services primarily, but eventually also
>>provide a list of federation services we use as well. The MDUI extension
>>provides most of what we want, but we want the entries to be clickable,
>>so the the links have to point the user to the Entry URL (if that¹s the
>>right term) for each service, and it feels wrong semantically to use the
>>InformationURL for this purpose.
>No, but there's nothing exactly on that level. The RequestInitiation
>extension element doesn't really capture that exactly unless by entry URL
>you mean "how to invoke a login".

Not exactly, you’re right. What I’m looking to do is link users to the
landing page of the service in question. In some cases, all users must be
authenticated, so the landing page invokes shib. In many others, there’s a
good deal of public information, so the login process isn’t invoked until
you need it. I suppose we could use the Entity Attributes Extension?

Is this sort of URL just too arbitrary to be clearly defined?

Don Faulkner, CISSP | CISO at the University of Arkansas
contact>> donf at | +1 (479) 575-2905
connect>> uarkITS on Facebook | @uaits | @dfaulkner 

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