Attribute value reset when used a dataconnector?

Mohamed Lrhazi lrhazi at
Fri Jun 1 17:27:18 EDT 2018


am trying to get some extra attributes from a sqlite db. I added this:

      <DataConnector id="sqliteConnector" xsi:type="RelationalDatabase"
jdbcURL="jdbc:sqlite:/data/cua-eduPerson.db" poolAcquireRetryAttempts="1"/>
        <Dependency ref="employeeID" />
            select * from accounts where employeeID='$employeeID.get(0)';
        <Column columnName="eduPersonAffiliation"
attributeID="eduPersonAffiliation" />
        <Column columnName="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation"
attributeID="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation" />
        <Column columnName="eduPersonScopedAffiliation"
attributeID="eduPersonScopedAffiliation" />

I added the dependency for employeeID, an attribute successfully collected
from another dataconnector,  because I understood I needed it in order to
be able to access its value in the query template... is that right? Anyhow,
as the sqlite db is not there yet, the query fails, but then I get message
in the log that no attributes are available...

Does this config cause the value of employeeID to be lost? because the sql
did not work? or is my issue elsewhere?

Thanks a lot,
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