Switching authnContextClassRefs on SP

Etienne Dysli-Metref etienne.dysli-metref at switch.ch
Tue Nov 15 09:45:50 EST 2016

Hi there,

I'm trying to protect two paths on one SP with two different
authnContextClassRef requirements: the first one requests nothing
special, the second one wants my class.

  <Location "/secure/">
    AuthType shibboleth
    ShibRequestSetting requireSession true
    Require shib-session

  <Location "/secure-mfa/">
    AuthType shibboleth
    ShibRequestSetting requireSession true
    ShibRequestSetting authnContextClassRef
    Require authnContextClassRef https://mfa-dev.ed.switch.ch/idp/mfa/simple

I'm observing the following SP behaviour: first I access /secure/ and
get a session with authnContextClassRef "PasswordProtectedTransport",
then I access /secure-mfa/ and the SP throws a 401 unauthorized error.
Is this the expected behaviour?

I would prefer the SP to send another authnRequest asking for my
authnContextClassRef. Is there a way to do that (beside trapping the 401
in the web application and handling it there)?


environment (if that matters):
Apache httpd 2.4.6 RHEL 7.2
Shibboleth SP 2.6.0
log4shib 1.0.9, Xerces-C 3.1.1, XMLTooling-C 1.6.0, Shibboleth 1.6.0

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