authn eDirectory LDAP and grace logins

Daniel Fisher dfisher at
Wed Jun 15 10:37:13 EDT 2016

On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 10:02 AM, cbaker <craigb at> wrote:

> I wrote some test java code using Ldaptive and it seems that if graceLogins
> are 0 and password is expired it returns a Failed Authentication error -669
> (which comes back as INVALID_CREDENTIALS in Ldaptive) regardless of whether
> the password is correct or not.  222 seems to be when the account / login
> is
> expired.

That's not what the docs[1] say.

Restriction: None
Description: No NDS password restrictions are set.  Rather, this details
the results when the user has actually typed the wrong password.
resultCode: 49
errorMessage: "NDS error: failed authentication (-669)"

I don't run eDirectory so I can't provide much help, seems like your
configuration isn't using password restrictions though.
(Or these docs are out of date)

--Daniel Fisher

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