Login box (embedded in external portals outside IdP)

Cantor, Scott cantor.2 at osu.edu
Tue May 6 11:52:27 EDT 2014

On 5/6/14, 5:37 AM, "Paweł Pogoda" <paw.pogoda at gmail.com> wrote:
>I cannot POST data (user/password) - from embedded login box in
>www.localhost.com <http://www.localhost.com> to:
><https://www.localhostsso.com/idp/j_security_check> (because it will be
>middle of the flow - there will be no session on IdP side and I'v got
>error: No login context available, unable to return to authentication

That's because you don't have third party cookies enabled, and since you
can't dictate that in most cases, what you're attempting is impossible in

Put another more general way, framing the IdP is not supported. We have no
plans to change that.

-- Scott

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