TCP socket configuration for SP

Christopher Bongaarts cab at
Fri Jul 27 17:15:35 EDT 2012

Does mod_shib use the TCPListener configuration to decide where to 
connect?  (I think this is a "yes")

If so, is it possible to configure shibd differently than the Apache 
module on the same machine such that the Apache module is connecting to 
a shibd on a different box, but shibd continues to run locally?

The idea is to have a "warm spare" shibd ready to kick into action 
should the primary one fail, with only configuration change and Apache 
restart needed to effect the failover.
%%  Christopher A. Bongaarts   %%  cab at          %%
%%  OIT - Identity Management  %%  %%
%%  University of Minnesota    %%  +1 (612) 625-1809    %%

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